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Downloads Main Categories

· Anti Rootkit 
Free software to detect and remove rootkits. For advanced users only! some tools may crash your system. Use with caution!

    · Anti Spyware/Adware 
Free software to scan and remove Spyware, Adware and Hijackers. Some may have quite a number of false positive (wrong detection or not a threat), you should quarantine instead of removing them, if problem arise you can restore them

· Anti Trojan/Backdoor/RAT 
Free software that scan and remove Trojans/Backdoors/RATs and removal tools and utilities. Some may have quite a number of false positive (wrong detection or not a threat), you should quarantine instead of removing them, if problem arise you can restore them
    · Anti Virus 
Free software that scan and remove viruses and removal tools and utility. Some may have quite a number of false positive (wrong detection or not a threat), you should quarantine instead of removing them, if problem arise you can restore them
· Browsers & Related 
IE replacement browsers and browsers that run on the IE engine. Plug-ins for browsers etc.
Firefox Extensions
    · Data Recovery 
Programs to recover corrupted or deleted files
· Firewalls and Port Blocking Tools 
Programs that control the inbound and outbound traffic. Protect against hackers, crackers and exploits.
Port Blocking and Filtering Tools
    · Host Intrusion Protection System (HIPS) 
In today's computing world, antivirus and firewall alone are insufficient to ensure your system is properly protected. Antivirus software are unable to keep up with the growing number of malware fast enough and leave your system vulnerable to online threats.

HIPS is necessary defense tool to monitor what is going on in your system. It will intercept program execution and record the changes made to your system, giving you the control to stop and undo the changes. It is also useful for observing the behaviors of a program execution and detect unknown malware.

· Maintenance 
Programs and tools that keep your system running at best performance and fix bugs and errors
    · Misc 
Programs that does not fit into other categories or perform more than one functions.
PDF Tools
· Non-Computer Software 
Contain programs that are not related to computers
    · Privacy 
Tools that help to protect your privacy
· Required Runtime Files 
Your system may requires these files for some programs to run
    · Security 
Security tools and programs
Anti-PhishingEncryptionPort Scanners & Auditing Software
· Specific Removals 
You can find specific Spyware/Adware/Virus/Trojan etc. removals here
Spyware/Adware RemovalsTrojan/Backdoor RemovalsVirus/Worm Removals
    · Stand-Alone Removals 
Removals that can scan and remove different malware
· Startup, Process and Service Managers and Monitors 
Programs that display or monitor the startup items which you can choose to remove suspicious entries so they will not load when system starts and kill processes that are malware so that the malware files can be removed.
    · System Integrity Checkers 
Programs that index your system files/registries and detect any changes

· System Tweaks and Hacks 
Programs to improve the appearance and performance or remove unneeded functions and components of your system
    · Vulnerabilities Fixes 
Here contains tools or programs that close unpatched security holes or protect against exploits. You can also find programs that scan for vulnerabilities and security patches
Unofficial Temporary Patches
There are 296 Downloads and 31 Categories in our database


Will you switch to Windows Vista soon?

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Don't think so soon
No way!
Until I purchase a new system
I will stick to WinXP
Huh Windows? I prefer *nix


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Copyright© Terry Toh 2005-2007

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